var form = document.cart_quantity; varDelTime = new Array("Anytime of the day","Morning (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM)","Afternoon (2:00 PM - 5:30 PM)","Evening (5:00 PM - 10:00 PM)"); //okstmtcc 20160125 valentines day //okstmtcc 20140110 valentines day //okstmtcc 20190213 disable valentines //okstmtcc 20210211 enable valentines to 1 slot only //varValTime = new Array("Morning (9:00 AM - 5:30 PM)"); varValTime = new Array("Anytime of the day","Morning (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM)","Afternoon (2:00 PM - 5:30 PM)","Evening (5:00 PM - 10:00 PM)"); if (form.recipient) { for (var i=0;i0){ document.getElementById('btnAddToMyCart').style.pointerEvents = 'auto'; } if(form.is_sunday_and_holiday) chkOption(form.is_sunday_and_holiday,num).value = "No"; // if(form.surcharge) chkOption(form.surcharge,num).value = "5"; if (chkOption(form.dtime,num)!=null && form.dtime){ if (chkOption(form.dtime,num).type=="select-one"){ /* var earliest_delivery_date = new Date(2025,2,04); var curdate = new Date(2025,2,03); */ var deldate = new Date(chkOption(form.year1,num).options[chkOption(form.year1,num).selectedIndex].value, chkOption(form.month1,num).options[chkOption(form.month1,num).selectedIndex].value-1, chkOption(form.day1,num).options[chkOption(form.day1,num).selectedIndex].value); chkOption(form.dtime,num).length = 0; //validate deldate dayfield = chkOption(form.day1,num).options[chkOption(form.day1,num).selectedIndex].value; monthfield = chkOption(form.month1,num).options[chkOption(form.month1,num).selectedIndex].value; yearfield = chkOption(form.year1,num).options[chkOption(form.year1,num).selectedIndex].value; if ((deldate.getMonth()+1!=monthfield)||(deldate.getDate()!=dayfield)||(deldate.getFullYear()!=yearfield)){ alert('Invalid Delivery Date!'); if(jQuery('#btnAddToMyCart').length>0){ document.getElementById('btnAddToMyCart').style.pointerEvents = 'none'; } return; } if (earliest_delivery_date.getTime() > deldate.getTime() || dateDiff(curdate,deldate) > 30){ // small than earliest delivery date chkOption(form.is_sunday_and_holiday,num).value = "N/A" chkOption(form.dtime,num).options[0] = new Option("No available delivery time",""); console.log('small than earliest delivery date'); //Only check for today whether is Sun or PH if(dateDiff(curdate,deldate)==0){ if (isHoliday(form,num,deldate)){ } // check if sunday else if (chkSunday(form,num)){ chkOption(form.is_sunday_and_holiday,num).value = "Yes"; } } smaller_than_earliest = true; }else { //Order time just to determine earliest deliver date & session //Chosen delivery date will determine which session is available //if delivery date choosen is 1 day after earliest day, all session should be available; daydiff = Cov2Day(deldate - earliest_delivery_date); if(daydiff > 0){ for (var i=0;i 0){ chkOption(form.dtime,num).length = 2; chkOption(form.dtime,num).options[0] = new Option(varDelTime[1],1); chkOption(form.dtime,num).options[1] = new Option(varDelTime[2],2); }else{ //If is today, mean have only 1 session Afternoon // same day with earliest delivery date; get the earliest session; switch ('Afternoon'){ case 'Morning': chkOption(form.dtime,num).length = 2; chkOption(form.dtime,num).options[0] = new Option(varDelTime[1],1); chkOption(form.dtime,num).options[1] = new Option(varDelTime[2],2); break; case 'Afternoon': chkOption(form.dtime,num).length = 1; chkOption(form.dtime,num).options[0] = new Option(varDelTime[2],2); break; } } } //Check if is sunday or PH if ( (isHoliday(form,num,deldate) || chkSunday(form,num)) && daydiff > 0 && !smaller_than_earliest){ chkOption(form.is_sunday_and_holiday,num).value = "Yes"; chkOption(form.dtime,num).length = 1; chkOption(form.dtime,num).options[0] = new Option(varDelTime[1],1); } //okstmtcc 20160125 valentines day //okstmtcc 20140110 valentines day //okstmtcc 20210211 enable valentines to 1 slot only if(chkValentinesDay(form,num) && !smaller_than_earliest){ //If bigger than today, mean have 2 sessions Morning & Afternoon if(daydiff > 0){ chkOption(form.dtime,num).length = 1; chkOption(form.dtime,num).options[0] = new Option(varValTime[0],0); // chkOption(form.dtime,num).options[1] = new Option(varValTime[3],5); }else{ //If is today, mean have only 1 session Afternoon // same day with earliest delivery date; get the earliest session; // alert('Afternoon'); //okstmtcc 20190213 disable valentines //okstmtcc 20210211 enable valentines to 1 slot only switch ('Afternoon'){ case 'Morning':case 'Afternoon': chkOption(form.dtime,num).length = 1; chkOption(form.dtime,num).options[0] = new Option(varValTime[0],0); // chkOption(form.dtime,num).options[1] = new Option(varValTime[3],5); break; case 'Evening': chkOption(form.dtime,num).length = 1; chkOption(form.dtime,num).options[0] = new Option(varValTime[3],5); break; } } } //okstmtcc 20140103 redemption (23) var curCategory = form.categories_id.value; var daydiff_r = 0; var smaller_than_redemption_earliest = false; if(curCategory=='23'){ if(redemption_earliest_delivery_date.getTime() > deldate.getTime()){ smaller_than_redemption_earliest = true; } daydiff_r = daydiff+1;//add 1 more day for the existing //If bigger or equal to 2 days difference if(daydiff_r >= 2 || daydiff_r==1){ chkOption(form.dtime,num).length = 1; chkOption(form.dtime,num).options[0] = new Option(varValTime[0],4); } //Check if is sunday or PH or less than 2 days from order date if ( (isHoliday(form,num,deldate) || chkWeekend(form,num)) || (daydiff_r < 2 && daydiff_r!=1) || smaller_than_redemption_earliest){ if(chkSunday(form,num)){ chkOption(form.is_sunday_and_holiday,num).value = "Yes"; } chkOption(form.dtime,num).length = 1; chkOption(form.dtime,num).options[0] = new Option("No available delivery time",""); } } //okstmtcc 20140407 International Order (29) if(curCategory=='29'){ if(redemption_earliest_delivery_date.getTime() > deldate.getTime()){ smaller_than_redemption_earliest = true; } daydiff_r = daydiff+1;//add 1 more day for the existing //If bigger or equal to 2 days difference if(daydiff_r >= 2 || daydiff_r==1){ chkOption(form.dtime,num).length = 1; chkOption(form.dtime,num).options[0] = new Option(varDelTime[0],0); } //Check if is sunday or PH or less than 2 days from order date if ( (isHoliday(form,num,deldate) || chkWeekend(form,num)) || (daydiff_r < 2 && daydiff_r!=1) || smaller_than_redemption_earliest){ if(chkSunday(form,num)){ chkOption(form.is_sunday_and_holiday,num).value = "Yes"; } chkOption(form.dtime,num).length = 1; chkOption(form.dtime,num).options[0] = new Option("No available delivery time",""); } } /** Previous old code here **/ /** Previous old code here **/ } /* var varTime = new Array(""); chkOption(form.dtime,num).selectedIndex = 0; if (first_time){ for (var i=0;i= begin_date && deldate <= end_date){ bln = true; var spe_notes = arrSpecialPriceDelivery[pid][i].notes; } } } } if (bln){ $('tr.special_attributes_row').show(); $('tr.default_attributes_row').hide(); $('.details-del-spec-notes-box').show(); $('span.inner-notes').html(spe_notes); $('input[name="is_special_delivery"]').val('1'); }else{ $('input[name="is_special_delivery"]').val('0'); } return bln; } function nl2br (str, is_xhtml) { var breakTag = (is_xhtml || typeof is_xhtml === 'undefined') ? '
' : '
'; return (str + '').replace(/([^>\r\n]?)(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)/g, '$1' + breakTag + '$2'); } function gup( name ){ name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]"); var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)"; var regex = new RegExp( regexS ); var results = regex.exec( window.location.href ); if( results == null ) return ""; else return results[1]; }